Position Statement on Japan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Position Statement on Japan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions



Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership (JCLP) has published a position statement on Japan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), calling for the government to enhance its 2030 emissions reduction target in line with the 2℃/1.5 ℃ target.



The signatory states to the Paris Agreement are currently reviewing their medium-term emissions targets (Nationally Determined Contribution: NDC) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and the reviewed NDCs are to be submitted to the United Nations in 2020. Ratcheting up NDCs is now the paramount issue in implementing the Paris Agreement, and at COP25 in Madrid, the countries are encouraged to demonstrate leadership in raising their ambition. 



Given this background, we, Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership (JCLP), have published its position statement on Japan’s NDC, and sent it to the relevant ministers of Japanese government. In this statement, we call for Japan’s NDC to be raised in line with the 2℃/1.5 ℃ target. 



JCLP is acutely aware of the gravity of climate crisis and the importance of Japan’s role in addressing it, and its corporate members are moving forward with more decarbonization efforts. We will strengthen our initiatives such as RE100, EV100, EP100 and RE Action in partnership with various stakeholders in the society and progress together with the Japanese government toward the achievement of net-zero emissions by 2050.







Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership (JCLP) is a coalition of companies in Japan (126 as of Nov. 2019) that aims to create a zero-carbon society, seizing on the idea that decarbonized development is a prerequisite for economic activity. It was set up in 2009 to urge the business sector to develop a sense of urgency on climate actions. Recognizing the key challenge climate change poses to the society, its members are committed to integrate decarbonization measures into their core business models. The members share the common goal and communicate proactively with policy makers, peer businesses and the civil society. The coalition remains unique in that a key focus is policy engagement on decarbonizaion in the country. Since April 2017, JCLP has been the regional delivery partner on RE100, EP100 and EV100 initiatives in Japan.

Contact: JCLP Secretariat +81-468-55-3814 info-jclp@iges.or.jp